Thursday, January 26, 2012

My short list

Dear blank please blank it is one of my favorite websites it is people writing letters to other people or famous people even objects like this one Dear Parents, Thanks for giving me such a weird name. Sincerely, My Name Is Never On Those Customized Keychains. They are just funny little letters.

If I die young by The Band Perry it is always stuck in my head,and part of that is it reminds me so much of the Virgin Suicides because the song goes along with the theme of dying young especially the line "a penny for my thoughts oh no I'll sell them for dollar since they are worth so much now that I'm a goner" because the book is about what the girls did and said while they were alive

Art one of my favorite artist is Claude Monet ever since I was a little girl I have been drawn to his paintings I can't remember when I first started liking him but I remember it was a love at first sight kinda thing but with art. I don't know if it's his colors or his style but I love it.

1 comment:

  1. Dear blank please blank sounds like it could be interesting.
